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Actions against Global Warming

Changes begin from a tiny action. Do it now!

Hong Kong is already experiencing the heat of summer even though summer is just halfway through! The highest temperature ever recorded in Hong Kong since records began in 1884 was 36.1 degrees on July 24 2022[1], according to the Hong Kong Observatory, and the temperature on the day of Sheung Shui was close to 39 degrees. Not only Hong Kong, the extreme heat wave also covered the world: the United Kingdom recorded a record high temperature of over 40 degrees in mid-July [2], and the British Meteorological Office issued a red alert for the first time in its history; France, Spain, Portugal and many other European countries also recorded the same high temperature, and at least 1,700 people died due to high temperatures in Spain and Portugal alone. [3]

To combat climate change, nearly 200 countries have signed the "Paris Climate Agreement" in 2015. By signing the agreement, these countries will attempt to control temperature increase within the 21st century to well below 2℃, and to further pursue to control such increase below 1.5℃. However, according to the most recent study from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 2022, global warming might increase by 3.2°C in 2100, and in the worst case, even up to 5.7°C.


We do not have much time left to control temperature increase to below 1.5℃, in order to mitigate the associated climate change impact. We have no time to lose.


Pakistan community reforestation team

plans to plant 10 billion trees in the next 5 years

A formidable reforestation team has formed in Pakistan. It is now actively participating in the national government’s reforestation program, aiming to plant 10 billion trees in the next 5 years. This reforestation team is not a formal organization, it relies on citizens across the country to plant trees in their communities. The Pakistan government accounted for its resource limitation and attempts to utilize the power of the community to reforest. Such is an inspirational move. Governments around the world, considering their resource limitation, should rethink how they could collaborate with the local community in combating climate change.


1. HKO. (2022). Highest temperature records were broken in July.

2. Press Office. (2022). Record breaking temperatures for the UK.Met Office.

3. Central News Agency. (2022). Heat wave attack in Europe, WHO: Heat-related deaths reaching more than 1,700 in Spain and Portugal.


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